I Don't Like To Eat Them, But They Make Those Puffy Eyes Look Amazing

I love the fact that when people find out that I will be 50 years old this June, they can't believe it. It makes my day when my children get a little uncomfortable when a man looks at their mama, because that's what we live for right? Just kidding kids. I do have a lot of secrets I would like to share with you but this one is sooooo amazing. When I turned 49 I looked in the mirror and said "I still have it", but as the days when by I noticed that I had dark circle under my eyes. Oh no I said. Not me. I thought I would look 30 forever. I had some serious dark circles under my eyes with a hint of puffy eyes. I was determined to get those puffy dark circles from under my eyes. I didn't like the fact that I look so tired and worn out. My spirit was still so young and I wanted to look that way. I tried everything. I tried under eye creams and youth lotions. Some of them were good, but not for the eyes. I googled all kinds of things that might help. I finally decided that maybe I would get surgery one day. Than I decided to try a natural remedy that has been out there for years. Cucumbers. Yes that old cucumber trick. Cucumbers have a cooling remedy that I heard about, but I also read on the Internet that they didn't work, but I wanted to try them anyway, but to much disappointment they didn't work. I decided that maybe if I would freeze them it might work a little better and Pow, they came through for me. I have a great routine that I do every morning and the most important part are my frozen cucumbers. They have made my eyes look so amazing. My dark circle have disappeared and my eyes are not puffy. As you can see from the picture above, my eyes look energized and fresh.

Here is the recipe for my eye beauty routine:
- Slice cucumbers in a shape that fits your eyes. Cut circles first and than cut in halves.
- Put cucumbers in freezer overnight
- Put your regular cleaner on your face, but don't wash cleanser off
- Put frozen cucumbers under each eye for about 3 minutes while cleanser is still on
- After taking cucumbers off your under eyes will be red from the cold
- Wash face with lukewarm water to get reed of redness under the eyes
- Use a good under eye cream and put a little bit of the cucumber juice under the eyes like a toner.
Life As A ThifyGurl
Girl, you look some kind of amazing! So gorgeous!