Thursday, June 4, 2015

How to show a man you are interested

Recently I was told by my single clients that I should become a dating coach.   Whoever thought that just giving a friend a good confidence boost would turn into a possible career?  I have always been the girlfriend that tries to guide my friends in the right direction and build their confidence level.  Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it.  I once had on friend who dedicated a book he wrote to me and I had a young mother tell me that when she got pregnant she decided that she wanted to be just like me as a mother.  No higher complement comes to you than that and I was so humbled by those two people.  So that is why I have decided to take on that task.  I have been working with a client of mine that has tried everything she could to catch that special man.  I have given her so much great advice and she sees how my relationship with my boyfriend Tony is.  She really likes the things she has sees and hears.  I am working with her to create a life that she is having fun with and now we are going the extra mile.  Meet your new 50ShadzOfSexy Dating Coach.  

I'm loving this new addition to my company.  Here is my first bit of advice for you ladies who aren't sure about how to let a man know you are interested.
How to Flirt with a Man:
  • Show him special attention. This one is exactly the same for men as it is for women. The woman should put herself in the presence of a man as much as possible without making it obvious that she is doing so. Just like a man flirting with a woman, it is a delicate balance and needs to be handled carefully.
  • Flirt with more than just your physical appearance. Guys are certainly much more visually stimulated than girls are, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t attracted to other aspects of a woman’s personality. In fact, guys are paying attention to how she acts in a variety of scenarios. The best thing a woman can do while in the presence of a man is to flirt with all of who she is (her physical appearance included) by being herself. Women who flirt with their bodies get exactly what they go fishing for: men who are only interested in the woman’s body.
    • For example: If you are really good at hospitality, make sure a guy gets to see you in your element, enjoying making people feel at home and loved. If you are athletic, make sure he sees you playing the sport you love. If you enjoy being active in helping others, be sure he has the chance to observe you simply being yourself in areas you are comfortable in. Chances are you will not only catch his attention, but also inspire him as well.
    • Flirting with one’s character requires the woman to be secure in who she is to begin with. If a man notices that the woman is at all pretending to be something she is not just to get his attention – she’s busted.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

50ShadesOfSexy is now on Youtube.

Like a lot of bloggers, we don't always have time to write a post in our blog.  Time just seems to past by without any sign of a new post.  Well I realized one day that I would love to put my blog onto Youtube and guess what, is now on Youtube.  Come by and check me out.  You won't regret it.  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What Not To Wear After 50: The Final Word by Michelle Poston Combs

I came across an article on the internet that I really want to share with my readers.  The article is titled "What Not To Wear After 50: The Final Word." You are going to love this article. I couldn't have picked a better article that I truly believe in.
"What Not To Wear After 50: The Final Word"
Google 'what not to wear after age 50' and you will have your pick of thousands of articles telling you what looks terrible on your old ass body.
I want to point out to the writer who wrote the 'no-no' article, you need to remember you are writing for over 50 women, not preschoolers. I don't think I've said 'no-no' since my youngest was a toddler.
We could spend hours studying the clothes we shouldn't wear and the slang we shouldn't use and the makeup techniques we need to retire.
Here's me, weighing in on this topic.
You are over 50 for fuck's sake. Wear whatever you want. If you've made it to 50 and still need to consult articles on how to dress appropriately then you are so missing out on one of the best things about being over 50. One of the best things about getting older is realizing that we don't have to spend our energy worrying what other people think and we get to be comfortable in our own skin with our own freak flags.
Still, there are a few things that women over 50 really shouldn't wear:
1. The weight of the world.
When you wear the weight of the world on your shoulders, you age. If you like the feel of the world's weight and don't want to give it up, then try scaling back a bit. Perhaps just wear the weight of a few of the smaller continents. For instance, I am only wearing the weight of Australia and a made up country called 'Michelloponia'. I think it they have a slimming effect.
2. Shame and regret.
So few people can carry this look off. Most of us just end up looking haunted or like we were forced to eat liver and onions. Shame and regret are especially hard to wear after fifty. Wearing shame and regret past fifty is one of those things that make your eyes all red and runny looking. The downward spiral just snowballs from there. Once the eyes get old lady looking, then you have to re-evaluate the wisdom of black eye liner. I say give up wearing shame and regret and fuck giving up on black eye liner.
3. Rose-colored glasses.
Oh, sweetheart, you know who you are. Those glasses do nothing for you. Not only do they make you look like you've been smoking weed for days, they also keep you from examining life and your surroundings realistically. Yes, reality sucks, but by the time we hit fifty, we need to suck it up, take those glasses off and dick punch reality into submission. Or just get some really big dark sunglasses instead. They cover all manner of sins.
4. Stiff upper lip.
There is a time and a place for the stiff upper lip, but damn, it can't be worn all the time. Too much stiff upper lip causes those funky vertical lines between your upper lip and your nose holes. We don't always have to be stoic. I'm not suggesting that you wear your heart on your sleeve, but that is a much softer look than wearing a stiff upper lip.
5. Too many hats.
Personally, I can't pull off wearing one hat, much less many hats. I don't have a hat head. My hair poofs out and my ears look like car doors when I wear a hat. Wearing too many hats just exacerbates these issues. When you wear too many hats, it's easy to forget which hat you're wearing. For instance, are you wearing the "no nonsense corporate" hat when you meant to wear your "quirky and kicked back" hat? We're not getting any younger, you know. Sooner or later you're going to accidentally wear your court jester hat to the gynecologist and then where will you be? I'll tell you where you'll be. You'll be in an undignified position and wearing a stupid hat is where you'll be.
6. Resting bitch face.
Hahahahaha. Just kidding. Wear that one all you want. Although, it wouldn't hurt if every once in a while, you had a welcoming and kind look on your face. At least that's what I hear from other people.
There isn't anything wrong with getting advice about updating your look or what to wear, but we are just inundated with that shit, aren't we?
Who says what is appropriate? From where I sit, it seems 'appropriate' changes based on geography, social status, income and size. After a while, the advice becomes a confusing blur. I think I'll just keep wearing my Keds and jeans and black tee shirts.
Oh, I do have one real tip. Stop wearing holiday theme clothes. Seriously.
Your blogger Kat of
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